Polarity Therapy residential retreat & training in Bali

Polarity Therapy training in Bali in 2020 has been suspended due to Covid 19 travel restrictions.

We will post again as soon as new details about training are available.

Bukit Asri Lodge, http://www.bukitasrilodge.nl in Karangasen, East Bali is a less hurried part of Bali. It will be our training venue again in 2020. Beautiful garden setting with traditional Javanese Joglo for our morning Polarity yoga, daily training and three day free Polarity Therapy clinic for local Balinese. The food is local, fresh and nutritious.

Above photo during Sept 2019 supervised clinical practice with local Balinese volunteering to receive Polarity sessions.

During this training you will learn some basic Bahasa Indonesia language skills so that you can interact with local villagers who come to our free Polarity Therapy training clinic that is part of the training program.

Contact Chris, email for more in syntivityaustralia@gmail.com

Bukit Asri Lodge, East Bali, Indonesia  http://www.bukitasrilodge.nl/en

Polarity Therapy training in Australia & Indonesia

I am committed to my work as a Polarity Therapist and teacher. I believe the teachings of Dr Randolph Stone, who developed Polarity Therapy, are very important in terms of the understandings they provide as we consider the human health journey.

The model of health care that is offered in the Western educated world has made important advances and contributions to our general well being. But it is not holistic and has a very limited, compartmentalised approach to understanding the many conditions that we experience on our health journey. Polarity Therapy provides a more complete paradigm to consider the complexities and subtleties of our health experience.

Though Polarity training people learn more about their own health journey as they begin to understand the interplay of energies that comprise health. As Polarity therapists intent on supporting others, Polarity provides us with a therapy, rich in understandings from the Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine traditions as well as the ancient wisdoms of European traditions.

I teach four levels of Polarity Therapy – Polarity Therapy 1, 2, 3 & 4.

I teach Polarity Therapy in Australia and New Zealand and Bali.

I am planning courses constantly and always attempt to accommodate training requests.

All courses will be for a minimum of eight days.

Polarity Therapy 1 Courses are suitable for therapists and non-therapists.

Balancing Ether long line energy in Polarity 1 training.

Balancing Ether long line energy in Polarity 1 training.

Polarity Therapy 2 Course is appropriate for therapists who have attended a Polarity Therapy 1 course or equivalent.

Polarity Therapy 2 training in the meditation hall at Shambhala, Golden Bay NZ, March 2015

Polarity Therapy 2 training in the meditation hall at Shambhala, Golden Bay NZ,
March 2015

Polarity Therapy 3 Course is appropriate for therapists who have completed Polarity Therapy 1 & 2 Courses

Balancing long line energies at the toes - important in almost every session.

Balancing long line energies at the toes – important in almost every session.

Polarity Therapy 4 Course is appropriate for therapists who have completed Polarity 1,2 & 3 Courses.

If you have prior training in Polarity Therapy please enquire about what course may be best to support your ongoing Polarity Therapy journey.

Please note that Polarity Therapy training may attract CPE points for membership with your professional therapists associations.

Polarity Therapy training in Australia and Bali in 2020 is currently suspended.

Residential Training will be available in future at Bukit Asri Lodge, East Bali, Indonesia http://www.bukitasrilodge.nl/en


Polarity Therapy – One-to-one training. Please phone 0416221040 or email to organise your own training dates.


Please email chris@selfwisehealing.org or phone Chris 0416221040 for more information, registration and other details.

DETAILS of POLARITY 1,2 & 3 Courses

Polarity Therapy Training Australia

Polarity Therapy 1- an introduction to Polarity Therapy Energy Balancing

This eight-day, 85 hours course, introduces the main energy theory and understandings associated with Dr Randolph Stone’s Polarity Therapy.

Dr Stone says: “ Polarity not only starts our day, but our very life on this planet, with the first breath we inhale. From then on, the rhythm of breathing in Oxygen and energy from the Air by the central attractive process … is the primal process of being a Soul in a living body” 1:3:14

Participants will develop and consolidate understandings about their own health journey within the Polarity framework. Participants will learn where to put their hands as they receive and practise the protocols of basic polarity bodywork treatments. They will be introduced to basic Polarity yoga exercises; principles of natural nutrition that Dr Stone felt were important and practical ideas about self-help and sustainable good health practices.

Participants will learn a Qi Gong form from the Chinese medicine health qi gong traditions. This practice combined with daily meditation during the training will consolidate participants’ own journey of personal energy awareness.

During this training participants will experience an introduction to “Mindfulness using the Breath” based on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. “Breath is Life” says Dr Stone.

Participants will develop a greater sense of human energetic being and when they have completed Polarity Therapy 1, will feel confident that they can begin to share Polarity as a healthcare modality with their family, friends and clients.

Participants will have at least 18 hours of clinically supervised practice in this training. There is a written, homework assignment.

Please email chris@selfwisehealing.org or phone 0416221040 for details.

Polarity Therapy Training Australia

Polarity Therapy 2 – a journey through the Chakras and the Sacred Elements and their relationship with our health experience

This eight-day, 85 hours course moves more deeply into the Polarity journey. Health and the journey of life are viewed as energetic events on a pathway that humans follow with varying and sometimes increasing stages of awareness. The energy patterns of the human body are considered to be a micro version of what happens on a larger scale on our planet. The Planet earth and the human body are both comprised of two thirds water. The planet Earth can be perceived by us as an interplay of the Elements: space, air, fire, water and earth; so too the human journey is viewed through this interplay of the Elements as they manifest in our body. The Elements and their interactions through the chakra system gift us opportunities to experience our lives and the health journey of our clients.

We breathe life energy into our bodies. We transform this one energy into four through the elements, air, fire, water and earth at their chakras. As we explore the elements and their interplay we discern how they shape our health experience.

Prana energy. mainly through the breath, is stepped down through the body, and interplays through our emotions and our thoughts. As Polarity Therapists we need to understand these plays.

Dr Stone says: “As long as the four energies or elements flow into and through each other and support each other in function, all is well”.

Participants will learn and practise Polarity treatments based on an elaborated understanding of the energy fields of the Chakra system and its relationship to Elements.

Polarity yoga each day will focus on experiencing and balancing energy associated with the major chakras as they are manifest through the Elements.

Participants will have at least 18 hours of clinically supervised practice in this training. There are several written assignments included in this training.

Please email chris@selfwisehealing.org or phone 0416221040 for details.

Polarity Therapy Training Australia

Polarity Therapy 3 – enhancing Polarity Therapy energy balancing using crystals, sound and the breath

The Polarity view of human energy patterns, their harmony and balancing are further developed in this 8-days, 85 hours course. The principles of Sacred Geometry introduced in Polarity 1 & 2 as ways to view human structure and treat energy imbalances are considered more deeply.

Dr Stone states: “Geometry and geometric proportions are the first process of creation in the great and in the small. God geometrizes.” 2:4:51

Sacred Geometry of Sound and Crystals is discussed. Imbalances in the vibrational frequencies experienced as health in the human body are considered as disturbances within the Sacred Geometry of the human form.

Crystals, precious stones and Sound have long been valued in terms of their many appealing qualities, including their healing potentials. In this course we explore how their use can be integrated into Polarity Therapy energy balancing sessions.

Dr Stone says: “For many years I had sensed the hidden energy in various metals, precious metals and precious stones” 2:5:104

Natural balanced breathing provides a constant supply of Prana, the essence of life. Dr Stone states, “Breath is Life” and he emphasised that natural rhythmic breathing is a key to ongoing good health. Shallow, ineffective and compromised breathing that is associated with stress and ill health contributes to energy imbalances. In this course we will practise ways to develop conscious awareness of breathing and to use natural rhythmic breathing to enhance good health in the self and clients. And we will focus on balances and releases that ensure respiration is effective and Prana flow is balanced.

Another aspect of this course includes using Sound for energy balancing and stimulation during Polarity sessions. Sound supports the work of the therapist’s hands by stimulating energy in ways that the hands cannot access. Our bodies respond to sound because all nature is based on the same patterns and frequencies, intervals and ratios of musical structures. Tuning forks, specifically C and G (sounded together make the musical interval Perfect 5th) support the frequencies and energy patterns of Sacred Geometry that support our human energy patterns.  Participants will be given a set of tuning forks as part of this course. We will discuss and practise how to use them around the body.

During this course participants will receive and monitor five conscious energy breathing sessions. Continued practice of health Qi Gong and meditation will support the integration and growth of energy awareness that will be experienced by participants.

Participants will continue the “Mindfulness using the breath” techniques and practice introduced in Polarity 1 & 2. Participants will have at least 18 hours of clinically supervised practice in this training. There are written, homework assignments.

Please email chris@selfwisehealing.org or phone 0416221040 for details.


Comment from therapists about Polarity Therapy 1,2,3 & 4 Polarity Therapy Courses and Polarity Therapy Teacher training  –

Chris is a fantastic Polarity, Qi Gong and Polarity Yoga teacher, mentor and friend! He has a deep understanding of the energetic laws and energy medicine and is able to transfer his great wisdom to you in a very positive, friendly, relaxed and inspiring way. Chris always makes sure that you feel confident about yourself and your skills. He has a warm, caring and welcoming personality and is never too busy or tired to answer all my questions, even outside of the training days. I definitely recommend to take a class or training with Chris

Esther Berlie, The Hague, Netherlands & Sydney Australia. Esther completed Polarity 1, 2, 3, 4 and Teacher Training. She is now teaching Polarity Therapy in The Hague, Netherlands


Energy healing has long been my passion and I have been looking for a suitable opportunity plus tutor for me to further study in this field. Time spent under the tutoring of Polarity trainer Chris McGrath has more than met with my expectations. In a caring nurturing environment Chris has given wonderful generosity of teaching knowledge and sharing his skills and passion for Polarity Therapy. Thank you Chris

Christine Sweetnam, Massage Therapist

Christine completed Polarity Therapy 1,2, 3 & 4 during 2013-14  …

Embarking on the journey of embracing polarity therapy, in both my personal and professional life, has brought great transformation in both areas.  After “touching upon” polarity therapy basically some time ago, I developed a great desire and passion to seek and acquire more knowledge of this very relaxing and gentle therapy, that enhances self healing, for restoring equilibrium first in my own well being  and also to incorporate it as a tool as a massage therapist to support clients in life’s journey.  Plus encouraging a mindfulness of importance of balance in all areas of our daily and ongoing well being.


Chris McGrath has a great knowledge and passion for polarity therapy, that he shares along with well presented, valuable teaching and support in a safe and nurturing manner.  Thank you Chris.  Once embracing this journey it becomes part of one’s daily on going lifestyle with many benefits in both personal and professional journey.


Well, I love the fact that I have come to know the way of polarity; a beginning of it anyway! It feels good doing = giving polarity and receiving it. Polarity has re-kindled in me the passion for healing – giving to others and to myself! The awareness of the duty to practice self-care, and the pleasure, good feel I gain from it. Polarity allows me to get in closer touch with the more subtle and hidden workings/energies that sustain life, and care about them, nurture and strengthen them.

Barbara White Bear, Massage therapist, Sth Bruny Island, Tasmania completed Polarity Therapy 1 course, February 2014


Polarity Therapy for therapists

Do you want to refine the way you feel client’s energetic responses? How much does your intuition guide your natural therapy practice? What is the guidance system you use? Many therapists and natural health practitioners are seeking ways to integrate their current practices with their intuitive understanding about body energies. Polarity Therapy provides an important theoretical and practical framework to address these fundamental aspects of your therapy practices.

Polarity Therapy is a hands-on, wholistic approach to sustainable health. Gentle techniques synthesise understandings from Hermetic, Chinese and Indian traditional medicines, osteopathic and chiropractic modalities and naturopathy. Counselling, nutrition and simple exercises for mobility, energetic healing and improved breathing also feature in Polarity Therapy.

Polarity Therapy provides understandings and techniques for working with the long line chakra energy, the transverse energy and the spiral healing umbilical energy.

If you are interested in Polarity Therapy training contact Chris on 0416221040 or email – chris@syntivityaustralia.com

If you are interested in having a Polarity Therapy treatment please contact the Australian Polarity Therapy Association to check for your closest registered Polarity Therapist, www.polarity-therapy.org.au

Australia Polarity Therapy Association – http://www.polarity-therapy.org.au

International Polarity Education Alliance – http://www.polarityeducation.org